Friday, March 9, 2007


NC gets it after the TO -- Grigsby with the shot but Gray blocks it.

BI misses a shot, NC with the board.

Rijon drives and is fouled by Fling, his second. Six team fouls on BI.

NC misses and Sharar with the board -- then comes back and drops a 3.

NC airs a shot and Sharar blocks out the rebounder to put BI in controal of the board.

Sharar shorts the 3, but blocks Rijon after an NC player fakes out three BI defenders! HE gets fouled on the way back, but BI can't convert.

NC with the ball, and Rijon is fouled by Sharar, his first. Rijon splits

31- 11 BI with 50 seconds left.

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